A Brief History of The iPod

12 years ago Steve Jobs took the stage to introduce the very first iPod.  When released, the iPod wasn’t the first portable digital music player to hit the hands of consumers, but without a clear leader in the space, Apple saw a prime opportunity to dominate market.

You’ll recall the original iPod featured a 5 GB hard drive capable of holding 1,000 songs, a two-inch backlit LCD display with a battery which could last 10 hours on a single charge.

Debuting during the 2001 holiday season, the iPod quickly became THE digital music player everyone wanted.

To commemorate the iPod’s 10th birthday, Cult of Mac created an infograph on “A Brief History of The iPod,”

Do you remember the first iPod you owned?  Which model did you purchase? How many have you owned since then?  Tell your story in the comments!
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